It is our belief that a child's mind is open to the teachings of Christ as early as birth. Our daily routines revolve around biblical standards. We incorporate Godly principles in all matters throughout the day.
Biblical truths are incorporated into the curriculum subjects that are taught daily:
Speech and Language Development - God communicates to mankind through his creation (Psalm 19:1-6)
Math - Quantitative and spatial realities are part of God's creation of all things. (Psalm 147:5)
Science - Science studies reveal the structure of the universe, and thus, point to the intelligent design of and intelligent Designer. (Psalm 8:6-8)
Pre-Reading and Phonics - God is a communicating God. (Amos 4:13)
Music - Participating in music can be a response to God (Psalm 150)
Health/Physical Activities - God made us in His image and wants us to take care of our body. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Creative Play and Drama - Creative play and drama should glorify God and reflect His character. (Psalm 93:1)
Art - Color, form, texture, and sound testify to God's existence and creative/artistic aspects. (Genesis 1)
Life Skills - Although creation functions in predictable ways, God at times intervenes in an unpredicatable fashion. (Galatians 5:22)
Bible Stories - Teach children how to worship God and live Holy lives (1 Corinthians 10:31)
Prayer - Learn how to pray. He answers prayers. (Matthew 7:7)
Calvary Academy Day Care uses high quality books and thematic units to enhance our goals and objectives for our infant through two year old classrooms. We use the A-Beka Curriculum, a Christian curriculum for our three and four year old classrooms. Our curriculum reflects the importance of providing a warm and caring environment where a child can make reasonable choices. We provide experiences that result in success, and therefore, build confidence in the child. There is a balance of activities that provide the opportunity for indoor/outdoor, quiet/active, individual/small group/large group, large muscle/small muscle, and a child-initiated/staff-initiated activities.
Bible Time is provided daily which includes worship songs, bible stories and bible verses. Introductory units are used with infants and toddlers during teaching time. Academic Creative Curriculum is used during two-year old teaching time and ABeka Book Curriculum is used in our 3 & 4 year old classrooms. We provide group phonics and individual academic time to enhance the educational growth of each child. Social skills, number recognition, number concepts, language and listening skills, along with gross and fine motor skills are incorporated into daily instruction.
On-Site cook prepares breakfast, lunch and a p.m. snack daily
Participates in the Illinois Child and Adult Care Food Program
Separate classrooms with observation windows
Large fully fenced-in playground with entrance from inside the day care only
A Gross Motor Room specifically designed for enhancing gross motor skills
Security cameras located on the outside of the building
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it."